Sunday, September 22, 2013

Settling in...

Yesterday I moved all of my things into my new apartment, along with a couch and tv from my cousins. I don't have a bed yet so I've been sleeping on the couch... And I will be getting an air mattress to use until I can afford a real mattress. Hardly anything is unpacked except nessecities. I'm really here...

Most days it's still hard to believe that this is my life now. That I'm LIVING in Texas. Once the boxes are unpacked and I start to make this place my home things will feel settled. I feel like I need to pinch myself daily because I get so caught up in the moment. I'm so overwhelmed. Looking at all the boxes just makes me tired. I have no energy. 

While I'm on the subject of no energy, I'm starting a free trial at Gold's Gym tomorrow and I'm hoping I like it. They offer a lot of classes and the facility is really nice. I just really miss my gym back home. I miss that gym family and how I looked forward to getting my workout in every day. I need to find that here. I'm constantly exhausted and unmotivated. I've gained back some of the weight I worked so hard at getting off. It's time to get serious again about my health. I don't want to get in the same rut I was in before moved. I want to feel good about myself and how I look...because that will help me to be happy with who I am and my life. It's not about the number on the scale for me anymore, it's about feeling. I'm very excited to start this journey again. I even have a bootcamp class I will be trying out as well. Cutting out fast food for awhile too will kick start this thing back up. I can't wait to accomplish my goals and to love myself again...

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