Tuesday, October 8, 2013


It's been far too long since I've written. Life has been hectic and stressful, but I shouldn't complain because it could be a lot worse, right?

These past few weeks have been very trying for me. I've started working out, and gotten sick like every other time, I've been working a ton and I've gotten stood up. 

On the workin out note: I've started a 30 day trial for a bootcamp on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. It's similar to what I did back home, I just wish it was more than twice a week. It's a start though. Once I kick this sinus crap I will be back at it and hopefully walking on my off mornings. I need to get to a place where I'm happy with myself and how I look. I read so many stories of others doing it who have so much more weight to lose than I do so I know I can do it. I need to be more strict and stick to it. I can accomplish this!!!

I've been working weekends now for the parttime job, it takes a lot out of me but I really need the money. I hope it pays off in the end. I'm meeting some great people this way though and I really love the people I work with on the weekends so that really helps. It just sucks having no life!! 

Dating. I hate, hate, hate it!!! Second time being stood up. I'm sick of dealing with all this crap. My expectations are unfortunately very low and the online thing is exhausting. I want to meet someone the natural way. But I don't know how anymore. I'm trying to get myself in a place where I'm no longer looking for love. It will find me... He will find me. There's got to be someone out there for me, right. Everyone says so. Everyone has such high hopes for my future relationship. I wish I could....