First off, I've got some major goals mapped out for this year. They range from continuing my weight loss journey to saving money to traveling and even blogging! My cousin and I have teamed up to help encourage and keep each other accountable for weight loss and all around healthiness. It's great to have someone to check in with and text when my motivation is running low. It's also nice to have someone to text updates to on my progress. We've set a date of June 1st as the goal end date. My goal is to be down 27.8 pounds. I've gotten back to going to the gym regularly and even joined a new gym that offers more, like classes and tires to flip!! I'm really excited see what I can accomplish these next five months.
I've got three big trips in the works for this year. The first will come in March when I get to meet my bestie in Louisville, KY. It is going to be so much fun to explore a new city together. Our friendship isn't like most other friendships, we live hundreds of miles away from each other so we don't get to enjoy the things most besties get to enjoy on a regular basis. We don't get to meet for happy hour, go to the movies, have a girls night in watching movies, go on a walk together or go out to dinner. I think this makes our friendship even more special because even though we don't get to do these things weekly, or even monthly, we are able to stay very connected and involved in each other's lives. Social media and technology are a godsend to long distance besties!! Anyways, I'm beyond thrilled to get to drink wine, relax, go out on the town and explore with my bestie. March can't get here fast enough!!! Oh, and I can't wait to hug her!! It really is the simple things!!
Next up: San Diego!! I will be heading off to sunny and sandy California in June to see my cousin graduate from high school. I don't get to see this branch of the family often and I'm looking forward to catching up and sharing some special moments together. Making it even better, my grandparents will also be in California for this wonderful event so I will get to spend some time with them which is rare too!! Moving away has definitely made me appreciate the time I get with family and friends.
Last, but certainly not least: BOSTON!!! I will be taking a trip to the home of the Red Sox for my birthday September! My plan is to fulfill my bucket list item of seeing the Red Sox play the Yankees at Fenway Park. There are also so many other things I want to see and do while I am there. The area is absolutely gorgeous and there is a lot of history! I have a couple friends who have said they want to come with me, but if they can't commit when I'm buying the tickets for the game, I'm going solo!! The thought of going solo used to terrify me, but now it actually excites me!! Is it bad I'm hoping no one commits?!? If not this trip, I will definitely be taking a solo trip at some point in the near future. I think it's a great way to learn more about yourself and to test your limits.
I'm planning on blogging at least once a month this year. I've never been good at being consistent with it so I want to try to do it more. I've even got an app on my phone to remind me to do it!!
With the new year also comes new hope for love. Well, hope for finding renewed hope in love may be more accurate. I've noticed over the past several years how bitter, angry and cynical I've become regarding love, relationships and the possibility of marriage. I've met asshole after asshole, each one truly making me feel unlovable. I've never verbalized that thought before and seeing it in black and white is hard, but it's an honest concern. The last time a man (ok he was a boy) told me he loved me I was 17. Now I know having a mans love doesn't validate me as a woman, but as a woman who longs for a family of her own, it's a tough pill to swallow. I've taken myself off dating sites for the new year. I'm trying to focus the year on myself. I'm going to take myself on dates at least once a month. I'm going to accomplish my health goals and I'm going to travel. But it still doesn't make it any easier to have the void of a significant other in my life. How will I meet someone if I'm not putting myself out there into cyberspace? I don't know, and that's sad and scary at the same time to think online dating is my only chance at finding love. I don't know how people do anymore. I don't know where people meet. As much as I try to focus on everything else in my life, late at night I find myself thinking about love. I find myself sad and confused. So, my hope is to soften my heart and tear down some walls this year. Bitterness is not very attractive in a mate...
My happy ending for this blog is that I am writing it on the eve of my niece's birth day. That is right, tomorrow I become an auntie of two!! I'm so terribly excited and anxious to see my sweet niece's face. I don't know how I can love someone as much as my nephew, but I will certainly try! I'm sure as soon as I see her face the love will just flow out! Baby Clara- aunt Aimee is so ready to meet you! 😍
2016 is going to be a good year, I can just feel it. I'm ready for a change inside and outside.
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